St. Albans Half Marathon... are you ready?

It's the St Alban's Half Marathon this weekend and we've got more than a dozen vans hired out for the occasion.

This is the 34th year for the event, and last year attracted more than 6000 athletes, competing in the half marathon, walking half marathon, 5K race and 1.5 mile children’s fun run.

Taking place around the streets of St. Albans and Verulamium Park, the event raises vital funds for local charities – last year this was a massive £37K! The event also brings the community together, obviously through their charitable donations, but also through the support on the day, before and afterwards, with volunteers helping with giving out water, marshalling, rubbish collecting, and of course cheering on the participants!

The half marathon, which includes wheelchair participants, starts at 10am. It is a 13.1 mile UKA (UK Athletics) certified course for those aged 17 and over, who can complete the course in 3 hours and 45 minutes. There are cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places of a number of categories, and also a prize for the ‘Best Fancy Dress Costume’, which will be voted for by the city’s Mayor. The walking half marathon is a recreational event, and all finishers will receive a medal, t-shirt, goody bag and ice lolly.

The 5K run starts at 9am and is for participants aged 11 and over (with 11-16 and 17+ categories), with the route a single loop course within the grounds of Verulamium Park. It is chip timed, with a trophy awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in different categories.

The children’s fun run is for children aged 12 and under, again taking place in the grounds of Verulamium Park, with parents/guardians invited to enter alongside their children. However, grown-ups can’t win a prize – prizes are for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd boy and girl aged 12 or under only, so no cheating!

Posted on June 9th 2015

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